40 Great Websites to Bookmark for Software Testers

Learning testing, or interested in keeping up with the industry, the latest tools and best practices? Below are my top resource links to bookmark.

There are literally 1000’s more testing websites and blogs out there, and many probably should have been included here. If you have a missing favourite, leave a comment.

Top Reads


Magazine-style site with news, resources to download, and copious articles at the head of the industry. In fact, this article 33 Test Automation Leaders to Follow in 2019 will give you all the twitter feeds you need.


Magazine-style site with news, resources and articles. Check out the related sites also.

Stickyminds & TechWell

Stickyminds was going twenty years ago when I was working and teaching in the industry. And it’s still going strong. An online ezine called Better Software Magazine, subscription is free, and the site has links to many testing events. Now a TechWell community.

TechWell is an online portal or channel to many resources, and the holder of the STAR conferences. Aside from Stickyminds, TechWell also owns CMCrossroads and AgileConnections.

Ministry of Testing

A huge (500+) collection of software testing blog streams, and owners of the Test Bash conferences. Inside, the software testing Club contains news and challenges. The Dojo contains all kinds of training programmes. Begun in 2007, still going strong.

Software Testing Help

This website has tutorials, training, interview questions and free ebooks on the topic.

Satisfice & DevelopSense

James Bach’s company and website, Satisfice – explore for context-driven testing and rapid testing techniques, resources and latest events.

Rapid Software Testing was developed by James Bach and Michael Bolton. Michael’s site – DevelopSense is going strong also.

Software QA Test

This is a very general site but you can pick up lots of quick definitions for all those terms, acronyms and qualifications.

Test Talks Podcast

Joe Colantonio hosts this testing podcast, with up to date interviews from relevant testers in today’s industry. His website, Automation Awesomeness, lives up to the name.


A huge list of learning resources and library across topics like test management, performance testing, enterprise testing, mobile testing, security testing and more.  The works for all levels of devops testers.

Testing Magazine

SoftwareTestingNews.co.uk has an Euro-centric newsbase but the online magazine, going since 2007 has a multinational readership. It’s an ezine still going strong, unlike a couple of others listed below.

Logigear Magazine

Assembled latest news and updates from industry experts across the web. Another magazine style site which should be bookmarked.

Women to Watch

Okay, so as I’m a woman I get to nominate a few worth watching. Represent!

Angie Jones

Automation, speaker, and a seriously fun website. Angie steps between development and testing, as a SDET (software development engineers in test). Angie volunteers with Black Girls Code to teach coding workshops to young girls in an effort to attract more women and minorities to tech.

Kristen Cloake

Katrina Cloake – a kiwi tester who edited a sister testing ezine called Testing Trapeze, from the Testing Circus website. Testing Circus Editions stopped in 2015 for the Testing Circus ezine, but the archives are still available to download.

(The reason why I highlight Katrina is that twenty years ago when Peter and I met we were both employed as “Test Coaches” in Wellington, New Zealand and therefore share a similar background to Katrina.)

Last year Katrina published ‘A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps‘ and both her twitter feed @Katrina_tester and blogsite are also worth perusing.

Lisa Crispen

Lisa’s website, Agile Testing with Lisa Crispen sometimes contains more personal blog posts, but also many agile testing resources, and her twitter feed is worth watching.

Others of Randomness

  • SDTimes – Software Development Times is a magaziney site of news and views.
  • QA Intelligence – owned by Tool Company Practitest, but the articles are current and interesting.
  • AISTAArtificial Intelligence for Software Testing Association – blog posts are worth the read.
  • ASTAssociation for Software Testing – membership, courses for BBST, conferences.
  • STPSoftware Test Professionals – U.S. Conferences, the front site has many good articles.
  • Stack Exchange – Software Quality Assurance & Testing – forum.
  • Google Testing Blog
  • QA Hates You – this has gotta be Peter’s kinda guy, qa humour that hits home, and heavy metal rock. We’ll forgive the post about soccer shouldn’t be football with a comparison with American Football.
  • Huddle.EuroSTAR – community associated to EuroSTAR.
  • Search Software Quality / TechTarget – QA articles.
  • DZone – over 1M developers can’t be wrong(?). Large technical community and information.
  • TeaTime for Testers – the last magazine was a year ago, but the archives for this testing ezine are still available.
  • Professional Tester magazine archive – the last edition was 2017, but here be the archives.
  • Tutorials Point – online training in all things development.
  • Test Axioms – Paul Gerrard’s axioms taken from the Tester’s Pocketbook.
  • GitHub – not just for jobs listing, GitHub has 19 million people engaged in software development and testing lifecycle.
  • The Friendly Tester – Richard Bradshaw’s site. Good blog posts, and Richard’s Whiteboard Testing YouTube testing channel is explained here also.

Historical Resources

The following websites belong to expert testers who have now stopped blogging. Some of their past articles may be of use however.

  • Grig GheorghiuAgile Testing. Blogged from 2004 to 2018.
  • Cem Kaner – stopped posting in 2016. Co-author of several well-known Blackbox software testing (BBST) books, and founder-teacher of certification courses.
  • Elizabeth HendricksonTest Obsessed. Co-author of testing books, not the U.S. actress of the same name. Elizabeth stopped blogging in 2015. The site still contains some helpful downloads and articles.
  • Shmuel’s Software Stuff – running from 2007 to 2015 this sometimes quirky blog holds lots of interesting posts.
  • Thoughts from the Test Eye – a joint blog which stopped in 2017, but worth the read.
  • QATestingTools.com – in 2018 it just stopped, but the database of 100’s of tools is still relatively current.