Free Webinar – Successfully Collaborating With Developers (How-to Guide for QAs)

“I will give a recipe that you can follow to ease your fear of the unknown: testing developer code.
At the end of this session, I guarantee that you will gain a deeper understanding of different kinds of tests, know how to decipher developer terminology, and learn how to write unit, integration, browser, and E2E tests.”

Gil Tayar

Here’s a free webinar to attend, put on by Gil Tayar who works at applitools. Book a seat now. If you can’t attend you’ll have access later to the recording.

As the sales copy / registration page suggests –

“Testing is shifting left, moving closer to testing the code itself. But while managers dictate a shift to the left, developers and testers are confused as to how exactly to test the code. And while the backend world has established code-testing methodologies, we are still trying to figure out how to test frontend code, while ensuring effective testing procedures and processes.”

Note that applitools owns an AI UI testing tool, which will probably make an appearance within this webinar, but sounds interesting anyway.

DATE: Wednesday, Jan 30, 2019* 
TIME: 10 am PT / 6 pm GMT

*Note: for those like us in Australia, that’s Jan 31st at 5 am, a little early but we’ll take the recording.

While we agree with the thought that managers are asking testers to shift left, let’s debate the whole approach – are all developers also being asked to shift right? And let’s take that to a big picture scale. To the left of left are the user requirements (in whatever form these may take). In a fully mature quality assured organisation, developers and testers need to understand the language of business also.